Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative coolers are particularly used in the cement industry, but also in other industrial sectors. By injecting water, the flue gas temperature is reduced to the necessary level for electrostatic precipitator operation and other system components. The flue gas volume is reduced and the specific dust resistance is lowered.

General operating values for evaporative coolers:

• Temperature ranges inlet: 250 - 1000 °C
• Temperature ranges outlet: 120 - 300 °C

If a constant outlet temperature is required in combination with rapidly changing inlet conditions, a "feed forward" control can be used.


Durch den Umbau von bestehenden Anlagen können mit relativ geringem Aufwand Kapazitätserhöhungen bewältigt oder neue Grenzwerte eingehalten werden. Umbauten erfordern ein hohes Mass an Erfahrung, da teilweise während des laufenden Betriebes und/oder in beengten Platzverhältnissen gearbeitet werden muss. Eine lange Liste von Referenzen ist der Beweis für die hohe Qualität unserer Umbaukonzepte. Dabei ist es uns wichtig, nur alles wirklich Notwendige zu ersetzen und bestehende Komponenten bestmöglich weiter zu verwenden.

Mögliche Varianten sind:

– Anbau von zusätzlichen Feldern
– Umrüstung von Fremdfiltern auf ELEX-Standard
– Erweiterung der Niederschlagsfläche durch Verlängerung der Feldlänge
– Einsatz alternativer HS-Technologien (SMPS oder Dreiphasen-Aggregate)
– Umrüstung von Elektrofiltern auf Hybridfilter
– Umrüstung von Elektrofiltern auf Gewebefilter


The perfect design of the evaporative cooler and its exact adaptation to the other units and to the target requirements of the overall installation are decisive for maximum efficiency and a long, breakdown-free lifetime of the entire system. The experience and dedication of our engineers ensure that you get the right technological formulas for creating exactly the right physical conditions.


We have already built countless evaporative coolers and this in all diameters and heights. We are ready for any order! We are happy to convince you not only with words, but also to prove our expertise and know-how with facts and figures.



10 m


70 m



Peter Studer

Dipl. Ing. HTL, Exec. MBA
Head Sales

Peter Studer

Dipl. Ing. HTL, Exec. MBA
Head Sales • Sales Plant Engineering


Thanks to decades of experience and countless measurements carried out, ELEX has a huge wealth of experience. Below we have listed a small excerpt from our references. For further reference information or if you are interested in a plant visit, please contact us.

Installation: Binh Phuoc (Vietnam); Evaporative cooler in cement plant
in Zementwerk

Installation: Ha Tien (Vietnam); Evaporative cooler in cement plant

Müll- und Schlammverbrennungsöfen
Thanks to decades of experience and countless measurements carried out, ELEX has a huge wealth of experience. Below we have listed a small excerpt from our references.

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ELEX gas cleaning systems are characterized by a very high availability and low maintenance costs. However, if a malfunction occurs, rapid assistance is essential. In case of emergency, we are there for you and provide you with competent and reliable support on site.